Payroll Processing Outsourcing Company

Payroll Processing Outsourcing Company

Get your firm’s employees’ payroll managed by our Veteran Payroll Administrators.

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At Prime Offshore Accounting, we simplify your payroll management process by handling all tasks and relieving you from related activities. As one of the leading Offshore Payroll Companies, we manage your client’s payroll management systematically, enabling them to review it whenever they wish to and make informed decisions for HR Development and Management.

Our Offshore Payroll services help you save up to 50% of costs and delegate the resources to core productive areas. Our Payroll Processing Outsourcing services adhere to U.S.A. federal and state laws and legislations. We meticulously calculate net pay by considering bonuses, deductions, payroll taxes, paid and unpaid leaves, and all other aspects of salary payments compliant with HR and Compliance Laws.

Outsource Payroll for Small Businesses and enjoy multiple benefits, such as automated payroll calculations, customized payroll schedules, personalized salary components, and more. You can attain scalability by outsourcing payroll processing to us, as we will handle payroll-related work, and you can focus on your employees’ Learning and Development without hiring additional workforce for employee growth.

Our Payroll Specialists have immense expertise in handling Payroll Management of Tax, Accounting, and CPA Firms in the United States by utilizing their knowledge to manage payroll of all complexities with adroitness. Partner with us for Payroll Outsourcing Services in India and get highly experienced Payroll Specialists at affordable pricing.Learn more about the benefits and process of outsourcing payroll processing services in our detailed blog post.

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    Why Choose Us for Payroll Process Outsourcing?

    Payroll Process Outsourcing

    Get Regular Reports

    We update the information in our database in quick duration provided by you to give you daily, weekly, bi-monthly, and monthly reports according to your requirements to help you stay updated with real-time payroll data and have access to precise payroll management.

    Quality Adherence

    All our payroll reports undergo multiple thorough quality checks to deliver a 100% accurate and error-free summary. Our payroll processes adhere to internationally recognized certifications practices and U.S.A. HR and employee laws and legislations.

    Data Privacy and Security

    As one of the most reliable Payroll Process Outsourcing Companies, we give utmost attention to employees’ data and sensitive information provided by you. We have rigid security measures, confidentiality clauses, and data privacy policies to safeguard against tampering.

    Increased Productivity

    As a highly dependable Payroll Processing Outsourcing Firm, we help you expand your business operation hours by working outside your time zone and enhancing your overall productivity without deploying extensive capital on infrastructure, workforce, and operating costs.

    Flexible Pricing Models

    As one of the top Payroll Outsourcing Companies in India, we offer our clients tailored solutions and flexible engagement models at reasonable prices. We focus on streamlining your processes and helping you comply with HR Regulatory requirements.

    Veteran Payroll Specialists

    By choosing us for our Payroll Outsourcing Service, you will be working with our adept Payroll Experts who are well-versed in utilizing cutting-edge technology to analyze massive data, organize it, and prepare reports by mitigating undue errors to help you make decisions.

    What does our Payroll Business Process Outsourcing include?

    As one of the most trustworthy Payroll Processing Outsourcing Companies, we aim to provide our clients with an extensive range of outsourced payroll services to broaden their service portfolio and help them cash in more customers and revenues. The following are the scope of our services:

    • Weekly, Bi-weekly, and monthly payroll reports to keep you updated with
    • Generating a tax filing statement, including employment taxes, state and federal income tax, withholding taxes, and other benefits
    • We initiate salary payments from our end on your request. For that, you have to provide your employer’s and employees’ bank details.
    • Email confirmation after sending payroll reports, tax statements, and salary payment confirmation for fair and transparent communication
    Payroll Business Process Outsourcing include

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is payroll process outsourcing?

    Payroll Process Outsourcing involves delegating a chunk of your business payroll activities or entire operations to a third-party payroll outsource company. They are proficient in handling payroll management of your organization by recording employees’ activities and entering required information to determine net pay.

    They provide you with the final salary payment amount and payroll taxes. Apart from that, they also offer assistance with unemployment claims, tax reporting, and regulatory compliance.

    Why outsource payroll processing services?

    Outsourcing is a chief decision taken by almost every firm worldwide to expand their business without deploying substantial capital in infrastructure, technology, and human resources.

    The primary reason to outsource payroll processing is to enjoy arbitrage savings on labor costs by hiring highly skilled, trained, and qualified payroll specialists from a country where labor hourly wages are less than your nation.

    Another reason is attaining scalability and driving in more projects without worrying about hiring new employees and training existing ones.

    Is outsourcing payroll cost-effective?

    Yes, outsourcing payroll services is cost-effective as it reduces the need to hire employees with specific skill sets for payroll management in-house and training them. Also, you have to spend regular investment in upgrading their knowledge of labor laws and new software.

    An average tax, accounting, and CPA firm spends at least 15 hours or sometimes more for in-house payroll management. For instance, if 10 employees manage it, your salary to these workers will go up significantly compared to outsourcing it to a third-party company.

    How much does it cost to outsource payroll?

    The cost of outsourcing payroll processing services varies depending on the country you are hiring from, the service provider hourly rate, the skillset, experience, and qualification of the Payroll Specialists, and most importantly, how many tasks you want to assign.

    We highly recommend outsourcing the payroll process to Prime Offshore Accounting. We are based in India, and outsourcing payroll costs are economical, enabling you to maximize your net profits and access cutting-edge technology, software, and veteran Payroll Experts.