The Crucial Role of CPA Bookkeeping: A Comprehensive Guide for Making Informed Decisions

By: Prime Offshore AccountingNovember 2, 2023

CPA Bookkeeping plays a crucial role in the financial management of businesses. It involves systematically recording, organizing, and analyzing financial transactions to maintain accurate and compliant financial records. 

This article will provide an overview of CPA Bookkeeping, its benefits, key responsibilities, necessary tools and software, tips for effective bookkeeping, and its importance for small businesses.

What is CPA Bookkeeping?

CPA bookkeeping refers to the specialized bookkeeping services provided by Certified Public Accountants (CPAs). It is a term used to describe the recording, organization, analysis, and reporting of financial transactions for businesses or individuals.

CPA bookkeepers are highly trained professionals who have completed rigorous exams and obtained certification. They possess profound knowledge of accounting principles, tax regulations, and financial reporting standards. 

When you opt for CPA bookkeeping services, you can expect a range of essential tasks to be taken care of. These include maintaining accurate financial records, reconciling bank statements, preparing financial statements, managing accounts payable and receivable, and analyzing financial data to offer valuable insights for decision-making. 

The primary objective of CPA bookkeeping is to ensure compliance with accounting standards, tax laws, and regulations. Additionally, it aims to provide clients with precise and dependable financial information. Moreover, CPA bookkeepers also offer strategic advice and financial planning to assist businesses in optimizing their financial performance and reducing risks. 

By choosing CPA bookkeeping services, businesses and individuals can rest assured that their financial records are being handled by qualified professionals devoted to upholding the highest standards of accuracy and integrity. So, if you are seeking reliable accounting assistance, CPA bookkeeping is the answer you have been looking for.

Benefits of CPA Bookkeeping

CPA bookkeeping has several benefits that can significantly impact your business. From maintaining accurate financial records to ensuring compliance with accounting standards, this section unravels the advantages of CPA bookkeeping

Discover how this meticulous approach not only facilitates efficient tax preparation but also enhances decision-making that drives business growth.

Accurate Financial Records

Accurate financial records are necessary for any business, as they offer a transparent view of the company’s financial performance and encourage well-informed decisions. 

By utilizing CPA bookkeeping services, businesses can ensure the precision of their financial records. CPA bookkeepers are professionals specialized in maintaining authentic and updated financial records.

By meticulously recording financial transactions, CPA bookkeepers guarantee proper documentation of all financial activities. They regularly reconcile accounts to match the recorded transactions with bank statements and other financial documents. This thorough process minimizes errors and discrepancies in the financial records.

With accurate financial records, businesses can adhere to accounting standards and regulations. CPA bookkeepers play a significant role in ensuring the scrupulous preparation of financial statements in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles.

Precise financial records simplify the task of tax preparation. CPA bookkeepers keep track of income, expenses, and deductions, facilitating straightforward tax filing and reducing the risk of errors or audits.

Therefore, accurate financial records, diligently maintained by CPA bookkeepers, are crucial for businesses to monitor financial performance, comply with regulations, and make well-informed decisions.

Compliance with Accounting Standards

Compliance with accounting standards is of utmost importance for CPA bookkeeping. It guarantees meticulous financial reporting and aids businesses in showcasing transparency and credibility. To attain compliance, bookkeepers must adhere to the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Here is a breakdown of the essential elements of compliance:

RecordkeepingMaintain accurate and comprehensive financial records.
Financial ReportingPrepare and present financial statements in accordance with GAAP.
Internal ControlsEstablish and maintain robust internal control procedures to prevent fraud and error.
Audit ComplianceCooperate and provide necessary documentation during audits.

Utilizing advanced accounting software and tools can streamline compliance efforts by automating processes and ensuring accuracy. Some popular choices include QuickBooks, Xero, and Sage. Staying updated with changes in accounting standards is crucial. Bookkeepers should attend training sessions or seek professional development opportunities.

Pro-tip: It is advisable to regularly consult with a CPA or accounting expert to ensure adherence to the latest accounting standards and best practices, guaranteeing precise and compliant financial reporting.

Efficient Tax Preparation

When it comes to efficient tax preparation for your small business, it is essential to follow a systematic approach. It will not only save you time but also ensure accuracy in filing your taxes. Here are the steps you can take to ensure efficient tax preparation:

  1. Gather all the necessary documents, such as income statements, expense records, receipts, and relevant tax forms.
  2. Organize and categorize these documents based on the different types of income and expenses.
  3. Review your financial records carefully to identify potential deductions or credits that you may be eligible for.
  4. To ensure accurate calculations and timely submission of your tax returns, consider using tax preparation software or consulting with a CPA.
  5. Before submitting your tax returns, be sure to double-check all the information to avoid any errors or omissions that could trigger audits or unnecessary penalties.
  6. It is also advisable to keep copies of your filed tax returns and supporting documents for future reference.
  7. Plan for next year’s taxes by implementing strategies to track income and expenses throughout the year.

Efficient tax preparation plays a crucial role in minimizing tax liabilities and complying with legal requirements for small businesses. By following these steps, you can streamline the tax preparation process and focus on effectively running your business.

Better Decision Making

Better Decision Making is a fundamental element of CPA bookkeeping that holds immense significance in determining the prosperity of a business. By meticulously maintaining accurate and up-to-date financial records, CPA bookkeepers equip businesses with vital information to make well-informed decisions. Let’s explore how CPA bookkeeping can facilitate the enhancement of decision-making processes:

1. Financial Analysis: CPA bookkeepers thoroughly examine financial statements and offer valuable insights into company performance, encompassing revenue, expenses, and profitability. This worthwhile information assists businesses in comprehending their financial well-being and enables them to strategize for enhanced financial outcomes.

2. Budgeting and Forecasting: CPA bookkeepers play a crucial role in crafting budgets and financial projections based on historical data. It empowers businesses to proactively plan for future expenses, identify potential risks, and strategically allocate resources, ensuring well-informed decision-making.

3. Cost Control: By implementing effective cost management practices, CPA bookkeepers help identify unnecessary expenses and devise strategies to curtail costs. It empowers businesses to make decisions that optimize their financial resources and facilitate better financial outcomes.

4. Investment Decisions: CPA bookkeepers provide in-depth financial analysis and insights that enable businesses to evaluate investment opportunities. By assessing the potential return on investment and analyzing risks, businesses can make informed decisions regarding capital expenditures, enhancing their overall decision-making abilities.

5. Compliance and Regulatory Guidance: CPA bookkeepers ensure businesses adhere to accounting standards and regulatory requirements. This compliance instills confidence in the accuracy of financial information and thereby supports the decision-making processes of businesses.

By leveraging the expertise of CPA bookkeepers, businesses can enhance their decision-making capabilities, contributing to their growth and long-term success.

Key Responsibilities of a CPA Bookkeeper

When it comes to being a CPA bookkeeper, there are salient responsibilities that drive the daily tasks. From recording financial transactions to reconciling accounts, managing payroll, and preparing financial statements, each aspect plays a crucial role in maintaining the financial health of businesses. So, buckle up as we dive into the world of CPA bookkeeping, where precision and accuracy are the name of the game.

Recording Financial Transactions

When it comes to CPA bookkeeping, accurately recording financial transactions is a crucial step in maintaining organized and reliable financial records. Here are the steps involved in recording financial transactions:

  1. Identify the transaction: Determine the nature of the transaction, whether it involves sales, purchases, expenses, or other financial activities.
  2. Gather supporting documents: Collect invoices, receipts, bank statements, and any other relevant documents that provide evidence of the transaction.
  3. Enter transaction details: Record the transaction in the accounting system, including the date, amount, accounts affected, and a description of the transaction.
  4. Classify the transaction: Assign the appropriate account codes or categories to accurately classify the transaction, such as revenue, asset, liability, or expense.
  5. Verify accuracy: Double-check the recorded information for accuracy, ensuring that the amounts and accounts are entered correctly.
  6. Post to the general ledger: Transfer the recorded transaction to the appropriate accounts in the general ledger, maintaining an unambiguous audit trail.
  7. Reconcile accounts: Regularly reconcile accounts to ensure that the recorded transactions align with the corresponding bank statements or other external records.

Recording financial transactions with precision is crucial for maintaining proper financial management and meeting reporting requirements.

Reconciling Accounts

When it comes to CPA bookkeeping, the process of reconciling accounts is critical in maintaining the accuracy and integrity of financial records. Reconciling accounts involves comparing financial transactions and balances from various sources to identify and resolve dissimilarities. To help you with this procedure, here is a step-by-step guide:

  1. Gather all relevant financial statements and records, including bank statements, credit card statements, and invoices.
  2. Compare the transactions listed in these statements with the entries in the general ledger or accounting software.
  3. Spot any discrepancies between the two sets of records, such as missing transactions or incorrect amounts.
  4. If any differences are found, conduct a thorough investigation by contacting banks, vendors, or other parties involved to clarify and resolve the discrepancies.
  5. Once the correct financial information is determined, make the necessary adjustments to the general ledger or accounting software.
  6. To ensure accuracy, verify that the ending balances of the accounts match the corresponding statements or records.
  7. For future reference and audit purposes, document the entire reconciliation process and any adjustments made.

Pro-tip: Consistently reconciling accounts not only helps prevent errors and detect fraud but also maintains the accuracy of financial information. It is highly recommended to perform account reconciliation monthly to identify and resolve any discrepancies beforehand.

Managing Payroll

Managing payroll is a crucial task in CPA bookkeeping, ensuring accurate and timely payment to employees. Below are the essential steps involved in this process:

  1. Collecting employee information: Gather all relevant details, including employee names, addresses, social security numbers, tax withholding information, and bank account details for direct deposit.
  2. Calculating wages: Determine the number of hours worked by each employee and apply the applicable rates, considering aspects such as overtime, bonuses, and other compensation factors.
  3. Withholding taxes: Calculate and subtract federal, state, and local taxes, along with other withholdings like retirement contributions or healthcare premiums.
  4. Processing payments: Issue payroll checks or initiate direct deposits for employees, ensuring adherence to labor laws and payment schedules.
  5. Filing payroll taxes: Prepare and submit payroll tax returns to the relevant tax authorities, reporting wages, withheld taxes, and any employer contributions.
  6. Maintaining accurate records: Keep detailed records of all payroll transactions, including pay stubs, tax forms, and any adjustments made.

It is advisable to utilize payroll management systems and accounting software to effectively manage payroll. 

Additionally, stay informed about current payroll regulations and actively seek professional development opportunities to enhance your payroll management skills.

Preparing Financial Statements

When preparing financial statements as a CPA bookkeeper, it is necessary to follow several salient steps. These steps ensure accuracy, compliance, and the ability to make well-informed financial decisions. Let’s take a look at a comprehensive list of steps to consider when preparing financial statements:

  1. Gather financial data and supporting documents, such as bank statements, invoices, and receipts.
  2. Organize and review the financial data to ensure completeness and accuracy.
  3. Classify the financial data into appropriate categories: assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, and expenses.
  4. Use accounting software or spreadsheets to input financial data and calculate balances and totals.
  5. Prepare the income statement showing the company’s revenues and expenses over a specific period.
  6. Create the balance sheet, displaying the company’s assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific point in time.
  7. Generate the cash flow statement, signifying the company’s cash inflows and outflows during a specific period.
  8. Review and analyze the financial statements for any errors or inconsistencies.
  9. Prepare supporting schedules or notes to provide additional information and explanations for the financial statements.
  10. Present the finalized financial statements to management, stakeholders, or regulatory bodies as required.

By following these steps, a CPA bookkeeper can effectively prepare accurate and trustworthy financial statements. Such statements are critical for decision-making and compliance purposes.

Tools and Software for CPA Bookkeeping

Looking to streamline your CPA bookkeeping process? Let’s dive into the world of essential tools and software that can revolutionize your accounting game. 

From efficient accounting software to seamless payroll management systems and organized document management software, we’ll uncover the power of these tools in enhancing your bookkeeping efficiency. Get ready to discover the game-changing benefits of embracing technology in your CPA practice.

Accounting Software

When it comes to CPA bookkeeping, having the right accounting software is crucial for efficiency and accuracy. Here is a list of accounting software that can enhance your CPA bookkeeping experience:

  1. QuickBooks: It is a widely used accounting software offering a broad range of helpful features, including invoicing, expense tracking, and financial reporting.
  2. Xero: Known for its user-friendly interface and cloud-based platform, Xero provides real-time financial information, bank reconciliation, and multi-currency capabilities.
  3. Wave: Ideal for small businesses, Wave offers free accounting software with features such as invoicing, receipt scanning, and expense tracking.
  4. FreshBooks: Designed for service-based businesses, FreshBooks simplifies time tracking, invoicing, and expense management.
  5. Zoho Books: It offers automation features to streamline processes like invoicing, inventory management, and bank reconciliation.

Pro Tip: Before choosing an accounting software, consider your specific business needs, scalability, ease of use, customer support, and integration capabilities with other tools. Finding the right accounting software can significantly improve your CPA bookkeeping workflow and help you stay organized and accurate.

Payroll Management Systems

  1. Payroll Management Systems are a paramount tool for CPA bookkeepers to efficiently handle employee compensation and ensure accurate and timely payments. These systems provide numerous benefits, including:
  2. Automated calculations: Payroll Management Systems automatically calculate employee salaries, taxes, deductions, and benefits, saving time and minimizing errors.
  3. Tax compliance: These systems help ensure that payroll taxes are calculated correctly and withheld accurately, reducing the risk of penalties or audits.
  4. Direct deposit: By integrating with banks, Payroll Management Systems enable direct deposit of employee salaries, making the process more convenient for both employees and employers.
  5. Recordkeeping: Payroll Management Systems maintain detailed records of employee compensation, benefits, and deductions, aiding in accurate financial reporting and compliance with documentation requirements.
  6. Employee self-service: Many Payroll Management Systems offer employee portals where employees can access their pay stubs, tax forms, and other relevant information, reducing administrative tasks for bookkeepers.

Fact: According to a study by the American Payroll Association, organizations that use Payroll Management Systems experience 50% fewer payroll errors than those that rely on manual processes.

Document Management Software

Document management software is a crucial tool for CPA bookkeeping that assists in organizing and securely storing financial documents. It offers several key benefits, including:

  1. Improved organization: Document management software allows for easy categorization and indexing of financial documents, simplifying the process of locating and retrieving specific files.
  2. Enhanced security: With password protection and encryption features, document management software ensures that sensitive financial information remains secure and protected from unauthorized access.
  3. Streamlined collaboration: Document management software facilitates smooth collaboration between team members by providing a centralized platform for real-time sharing and editing of documents.
  4. Increased productivity: By automating manual processes like document filing and retrieval, document management software saves time and enhances overall efficiency.
  5. Audit compliance: Document management software makes maintaining accurate and compliant records more effortless, ensuring that all necessary documentation is readily available during audits or financial inspections.

To summarize, implementing document management software in CPA bookkeeping can significantly improve organization, security, collaboration, productivity, and audit compliance. It is a beneficial tool for streamlining financial document management processes and ensuring efficient operations.

Tips for Effective CPA Bookkeeping

In this section, we’ll dive into some valuable tips that will take your bookkeeping game to the next level. Discover the secrets to staying organized, maintaining accurate records, and updating financial statements promptly. 

Plus, we’ll explore the importance of seeking continuing education to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of accounting. Get ready to revolutionize your CPA bookkeeping approach and maximize your efficiency!

Stay Organized

Staying organized is essential for effective CPA bookkeeping. By implementing strategies to maintain order and structure in financial recordkeeping, you can significantly impact the accuracy and efficiency of managing accounts.

  • Create a filing system: Develop a consistent method for organizing physical and digital documents, such as receipts, invoices, and bank statements. Stay organized by using labels and folders to categorize different types of records.
  • Set up a schedule: Establish regular intervals for performing bookkeeping tasks, including data entry, reconciliations, and financial statement updates. Staying organized and adhering to a schedule ensures that records are consistently updated.
  • Utilize technology: Take advantage of accounting software and other digital tools that streamline bookkeeping processes. These tools can help you stay organized by automating data entry, generating reports, and providing real-time financial updates.
  • Maintain backups: Regularly back up financial data to protect against data loss or unexpected technical issues. Staying organized includes storing backups securely and considering cloud storage options for added security and accessibility.

By adopting an organized approach, including maintaining a digital filing system and using accounting software, businesses can experience enhanced efficiency. They can make data-driven decisions that positively impact the business’s growth.

Maintain Regular and Accurate Recordkeeping

  1. In order to maintain regular and accurate recordkeeping in CPA bookkeeping, it is vital to create a systematic filing system for all financial documents. It includes receipts, invoices, and bank statements, which should be organized either chronologically or categorically. This organization will make it more manageable to locate and retrieve the documents when needed.
  2. One crucial step is to record all financial transactions promptly. It ensures that accurate and detailed entries are made for each transaction. It is essential to include relevant information such as dates, amounts, accounts affected, and any supporting documents.
  3. It is vital to perform regular bank and account reconciliations to ensure the precision of financial records. It involves matching the recorded transactions with the actual balances. By doing so, any discrepancies can be identified and resolved.
  4. Another important aspect is to generate financial statements regularly. Income statements and balance sheets are examples of financial statements that should be updated on time. It allows them to reflect the current financial position of the business.
  5. It is advisable to maintain backup copies of all financial records to safeguard the data. These copies can either be physical or electronic. By doing so, the data is preserved even in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

By following these steps and maintaining regular and accurate recordkeeping, CPA bookkeepers can provide reliable financial information for decision-making, ensure compliance with accounting standards, and facilitate efficient tax preparation for businesses.

Update Financial Statements in a Timely Manner

Updating financial statements on time is crucial for maintaining accurate and up-to-date records. Here are some steps to ensure that financial statements are updated on time:

  1. Set a schedule: Establish a regular schedule for updating financial statements, whether monthly, quarterly, or annually, to ensure timely updates.
  2. Gather the necessary data: Collect all relevant financial documents, such as bank statements, invoices, and receipts, to have the required information for updates.
  3. Record transactions: Enter all financial transactions into the accounting software or spreadsheet, accurately categorizing them to maintain precise records.
  4. Reconcile accounts: Make sure to reconcile bank statements and other accounts with your financial records to identify any discrepancies promptly.
  5. Prepare financial statements: Utilize the updated data to prepare financial statements, including the income statement and cash flow statement and balance sheet.
  6. Review and analyze: Take the necessary time to review the financial statements and analyze your business’s financial health and performance, utilizing accurate and up-to-date records.
  7. Address any issues: If you encounter any errors or inconsistencies, investigate and promptly correct them to ensure the precision of the financial statements.

To stay on track with updating financial statements on time, consider the following suggestions:

  • Automate the process: Utilize accounting software that offers automation features to streamline and simplify the updating process.
  • Stay organized: Keeping all financial documents and records organized and easily accessible helps in promptly updating financial statements.
  • Seek professional help: If you find updating financial statements challenging, consider hiring a qualified bookkeeper or accountant who can assist you in maintaining timely updates.
  • Stay updated with regulations: Stay informed about any changes in accounting regulations or reporting requirements to ensure compliance with the latest requirements.

Seek Continuing Education

It is essential for CPA bookkeepers to seek continuing education in order to stay updated with the latest accounting practices, regulations, and technologies. This ongoing education helps enhance their skills and knowledge, enabling them to provide high-quality bookkeeping services. Here are several reasons why CPA bookkeepers should prioritize continuing education:

  • Stay current: By participating in continuing education programs, CPA bookkeepers can stay up-to-date with the latest accounting standards and compliance requirements, as they often change with laws and regulations.
  • Expand expertise: Continuing education empowers bookkeepers to acquire new skills and techniques, enabling them to handle a broader range of accounting tasks and offer more comprehensive services to their clients.
  • Harness technology: Engaging in courses that focus on accounting software and other tools helps bookkeepers utilize technology to streamline their work processes, enhance accuracy, and increase efficiency.
  • Stay competitive: By investing in continuing education, bookkeepers exhibit their commitment to professional growth and development, making them more appealing to potential clients or employers.
  • Network and collaborate: Continuing education programs frequently provide opportunities for bookkeepers to connect with other professionals in the accounting field. It fosters collaboration and the sharing of knowledge, which can be invaluable in their professional journey.

Importance of CPA Bookkeeping for Small Businesses

The importance of CPA bookkeeping for small businesses cannot be overstated. It plays a crucial role in their success by providing accurate financial records that enable informed decisions and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Here are some fundamental reasons why CPA bookkeeping is so vital:

  • Ensures Financial Accuracy: CPA bookkeeping ensures that financial data is recorded accurately, minimizing errors and discrepancies.
  • Facilitates Business Performance Analysis: With CPA bookkeeping, small businesses can track their income, expenses, and cash flow, allowing them to analyze their financial performance and make necessary adjustments.
  • Aids in Tax Compliance: CPA bookkeeping helps small businesses stay compliant with tax regulations by accurately recording and organizing financial transactions, making the tax filing process smoother.
  • Enhances Decision-Making: With up-to-date financial statements and reports, small businesses can make informed decisions, such as identifying areas for cost-cutting or investment opportunities.
  • Boosts Investor and Lender Confidence: Accurate and well-maintained financial records through CPA bookkeeping can enhance the confidence of investors and lenders, increasing the chances of securing funding for business growth.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in CPA Bookkeeping

When it comes to CPA bookkeeping, it is crucial to be aware of the common mistakes to avoid in order to ensure accurate and reliable financial information for clients. 

By incorporating proper bookkeeping practices, CPAs can avoid these errors and prevent severe financial and legal issues. Here is a detailed list of the common mistakes that CPAs should be mindful of in their bookkeeping process:

  1. Failure to properly categorize expenses and income can result in inaccurate financial statements.
  2. Neglecting regular bank statement reconciliation, leading to missing transactions and discrepancies.
  3. Inadequate record keeping, such as the failure to save receipts and invoices, makes it challenging to provide necessary documentation during audits.
  4. Ignoring tax deadlines and not staying informed about changes in tax laws and regulations.
  5. Overlooking errors in the bookkeeping process, such as incorrect data entry or calculations.
  6. Not conducting regular audits to identify and correct potential errors or instances of fraud.
  7. Insufficient communication and collaboration with clients, resulting in misunderstandings and incomplete or inaccurate financial information.
  8. Using outdated or inefficient bookkeeping software can lead to errors and inefficiencies.

By taking note of these common mistakes and implementing appropriate measures, CPAs can ensure accurate and dependable financial information for their clients.

Key Takeaways:

  • You will have comprehended what CPA Bookkeeping is, its benefits, and the key responsibilities of a CPA Bookkeeper.
  • You will have understood the three primary Tools and Software used for CPA Bookkeeping and tips for Effective CPA Bookkeeping, including staying organized, maintaining regular and accurate Recordkeeping, updating Financial Statements in a Timely Manner, and seeking continuing Education.
  • You will be acquainted with the Importance of CPA Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Common Mistakes to Avoid in CPA Bookkeeping.

Some Facts About CPA Bookkeeping:

Outsourcing bookkeeping services allow small businesses to access the expertise of larger corporations without the need for extensive staff and training.

Small business owners should consider their budget and specific needs when deciding between hiring a bookkeeper or a CPA for their bookkeeping needs.

Bookkeepers handle daily financial transactions, including billing, payments, payroll, and producing financial reports, while accountants provide in-depth analysis and tax advice.

CPAs, being certified accountants, offer specialized services such as tax preparation, representation, and detailed audits, providing businesses with expertise and credibility.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the scope of work for a CPA in bookkeeping?

A CPA in bookkeeping has a broader scope of work than a regular bookkeeper. They handle tasks such as tax advice, preparing financial statements, calculating tax liabilities, filing income tax returns, ensuring bookkeeping practices adhere to norms, finding accounting discrepancies, developing budgets, and collaborating with auditors.

Do I need a CPA, or can a bookkeeper handle my basic finances?

If you have basic finances to manage, hiring a bookkeeper can be a more affordable option compared to a CPA. Bookkeepers can handle tasks such as recording financial transactions, entering transactions, supervising billing and payments, managing payroll, and producing invoices and financial reports.

Can a bookkeeper provide tax advice and help with tax planning?

A bookkeeper’s primary role is to maintain daily records of financial transactions. While they may have basic knowledge of tax requirements, it is ideal to consult a tax expert or a CPA for tax advice and planning. CPAs have the expertise and specialized knowledge to handle tax-related matters.

What is the industry rate for a CPA in bookkeeping?

The rates can vary based on the complexity of the tasks and the expertise of the CPA. It is vital to consider the budget and the specific needs of your business when deciding whether to hire a CPA or a bookkeeper.

Should I invest in formal training for a bookkeeper?

Formal training is not necessarily required for bookkeepers. They do not require certification like CPAs, but they should have knowledge and understanding of bookkeeping principles and practices. Consistent recording and maintaining records are pivotal for bookkeepers to ensure financial elements are reported accurately.

Where can I find help and assistance with my business’s bookkeeping and taxes?

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and the IRS website are good resources for information and guidance on recordkeeping, basic finances, and tax planning for small businesses. 

Additionally, seeking help from professional bookkeepers, accountants, or CPAs can provide valuable assistance and expertise when managing your business’s financial operations.